
Umarme deinen Körper, finde deinen Flow und pflege deinen Geist mit meinem Pilates-Kurs.


Stärken Sie Ihren Kern, erhöhen Sie die Flexibilität, verbessern Sie die Körperhaltung und bauen Sie Ausdauer auf.


Meistern Sie tiefe Atemtechniken und steigern Sie das Bewusstsein für Ihre innere Energie.


Werden Sie glücklicher und selbstbewusster, indem Sie emotionale Spannungen und Stress abbauen.

Hi, ich bin Rosanna

Und ich liebe Pilates. Es hat meine Sicht auf Bewegung und Sport grundlegend verändert. Dank Pilates fand ich eine viel tiefere Verbindung zu meinem Körper. Jetzt mache ich jede Bewegung, jeden Atemzug bewusst. Ich habe meine Strömung gefunden. Als empathische Person möchte ich diese tiefgreifende Erfahrung mit Ihnen teilen. Willkommen in meiner Klasse!

60 Minuten im Jetzt

Pilates ist die Kunst kontrollierter, harmonischer Bewegungen, die Ihrem Körper und Geist zugute kommen. Die Stärkung der Rumpfmuskulatur und die Konzentration auf die richtige Atmung tragen dazu bei, die negativen Konsequenzen sitzender Routine wie Rückenschmerzen, Verspannungen und Stress auszugleichen. In meiner Klasse entwickeln Sie ein tieferes Bewusstsein für sich selbst und verbessern den Fluss der inneren Energie. Gemeinsam lassen wir Vergangenheit und Zukunft dort, wo sie sein sollten, und konzentrieren uns auf das Jetzt.

Starte 2021 Stark

Das sind meine neuen Pilates-Bundles. Die 60 Minuten langen Online-Kurse laufen montags und mittwochs um 18:00 Uhr MEZ und für Frühaufsteher auch freitags um 7:30 Uhr MEZ. Wählen Sie einfach ein Bundle von Klassen, das zu Ihnen passt und wählen Sie Ihren eigenen Zeitplan.


3 Klassen für €30
Online per Zoom


5 Klassen für €45
Online per Zoom


10 Klassen für €80
Online per Zoom
Jetzt kaufen*
*Wenn Sie kein PayPal-Konto haben, schreiben Sie mir eine E-Mail und ich schicke Ihnen einen Link, über den Sie mit einer Karte oder einer Banküberweisung bezahlen können.

Schenke ein starkes 2021

Alle Bundles können auch als Gutschein für eine andere Person gekauft werden. Bitte bestellen Sie per E-Mail für einen personalisierten Gutschein.


Exklusive Pilates

Klasse für eine Person.

Pilates Duo

60 €
Klasse für zwei Personen.

Gruppe Pilates

100 €
Klasse bis zu 5 Personen.


“The pilates classes with Rosanna are such a great way to start or finish the day! She's knowledgeable and her positive spirit and energy are contagious. Her flows are pleasant and motivating, helping me to stretch and work the muscles, increase flexibility and leave me feeling energised and happy after class - I can only recommend, thank you Rosanna! ”
Elisaveta Todorova
“Liebe Rosanna,
ich fühle mich immer sehr wohl in deinen Pilateskursen! Du bist eine liebenswürdige, sympathische und aufmerksame Pilatestrainerin. Nach den Übungen geht es mir nicht nur körperlich besser, sondern ich fühle mich auch innerlich ausgeglichener. Wer mehr (körperliche) Balance sucht, ist bei Rosannas Pilateskursen genau richtig!”
Von Tu Phung
“My lovely Rosanna,
I love your Pilates classes, I have learned so much from you. Not only mentally and spiritually but also how to move and breathe properly. After my second child I was out of shape and my posture wasn’t that nice. I’m really grateful that you have helped me on my journey of feeling myself again, feeling happy again. Thanks to you I’m back in shape again. Without you I wouldn’t have believed my new me was possible. Pilates helps me a lot both mentally and physically. During these COVID-19 times your sessions have helped me feel much better mentally. When I finish your online Pilates class I feel new and weightless. I’m more than grateful for your spiritual guidance and your coaching advice — you always seem to know what my body and mind need. Thank you so much Rosanna! I hope to enjoy your classes for years to come. Always happy to have you as my Pilates coach. Million thanks. With much love, Paulina.”
Paulina Focke
“Rossana ist eine super Pilates Lehrerin, ich habe mich bei ihren Kursen immer sehr wohl gefühlt. Nach dem Kurs habe ich mich körperlich fitter und gesünder gefühlt. Ich kann es nur jedem empfehlen."
Hanna Möhring
“I’m really happy to have discovered pilates with Rosanna. The harmonic exercise has improved my triathlon training efficiency as well as recovery. I notice my increased flexibility especially during running which has never been my favourite discipline, to be honest. But now I feel lighter on my feet than ever before. Thank you!
Jan Hrkal


von Rosanna Sanchez 28. März 2020

The Corona virus sent us home to see the inside of us more than the outside. In the days of quarantine you should be healing yourself from the inside out. I challenge you to reflect on your feelings. Let the feelings talk to you, they don’t lie. They are the key of what is happening with you. Perhaps you are afraid because you don’t know what is going to happen, or because you can’t be in control. Perhaps you are anxious, nervous, insecure or simply afraid of getting infected. Let me tell you there is hope. We will get out of this situation sooner than we think. But until then, control your feelings and get in touch with yourself with this routine I prepared for you.

von Rosanna Sanchez 5. Februar 2020

Running is a dynamic high-impact workout, you need to stimulate your whole  body, and so you need to be ready to change from movement to movement.  To move in harmony with the running performance is not as simple as it see. if you body is not strength enough you can harm yourself. You need the strength and yours deep core muscles before you go running. if you make Pilates, you can archived this core stability you need. That’s why all runners should consider adding Pilates into the training routine. 

I’m training for my next Marathon this year, yes I’m a runner too.  Therefore i will love to share with you the three Pilates exercise i do before going running. These Pilates exercise  will help your body to be strong in a deeper level before you go for a run. 

  • Criss cross :  Perfect  stabiliser using the Strength of your abs.
  • Scissors Bicycle high on Air : Strengthens the abdominals, increases spine flexibility, stretches the hamstrings and hip flexors.
  • The saw : Keep your sit bone on the mat and reach your hand across to the outside of your foot.
von Jan Hrkal 29. September 2019

I have started with triathlon long before discovering pilates. After adding pilates to my training routine this season though, I wish I would have started with pilates long before discovering triathlon. Triathlon is a combination of swimming, cycling, and running. And this year I added a fourth discipline into the mix—pilates.

When a volunteer put my first olympic distance medal around my neck in the summer of 2015, I was hooked. From that moment on, my goals were set higher, my preparation became more sophisticated, and my training became much more rigorous. As a result the medals started to fill my rack. Half-marathon, Ironman 70.3, marathon, and finally, Ironman in 2017. Since then I have been focusing on shorter distances.

It was only this year that I discovered pilates with Rosanna. And since then her pilates exercise has helped me to prepare for my races in three ways. First, by strengthening my core muscles I have been able to improve my swimming technique. A strong core is key to keeping the body levelled in a fast, hydrodynamic position. Second, my back is always suffering during long bike rides which are strenuous for the lower back. Pilates has helped me to balance these negative consequences and improve my posture. And third, I have become much more flexible. I notice my increased flexibility especially during running which has never been my favourite discipline, to be honest. But now I feel lighter on my feet than ever before.

All in all, I’m really happy to have discovered pilates. The harmonic exercise with Rosanna has improved my training efficiency as well as recovery. Now I feel better prepared and I can squeeze more races into the season. And the medals keep pilling on!


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